Things I’m learning in the hardest year of my life:
1. Open Hands
This one alone has been quite the journey!
2. He does not lead me to the dessert to die/He is faithful
This song sums it up.
3. He keeps his promises, I hear his voice.
4. God is a Good Father
5. I am Beloved
6. Love and family are worth the risk
7. I am good enough and I belong
8. I am his Friend
9. Rest
10. Living with the Trinity
11. Traveling 2 hours for community is worth it.
12. What I don’t want to do as a career.
13. Quiet is okay
14. I’m stronger than I thought I was
15. I am not the same person I was last year.
16. It's okay to not be okay.
17. Shame and fear are not my inheritance