Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Dreaming of India

I have been dreaming about India lately. I'm working on raising money for my trip this summer. It has been so cool to see how God totally is making this happen. From the very beginning when He said for me to go to India, to the selection process to be a Team Leader, to now... watching Him provide the money needed for my trip. He has always been faithful. 

In my readings today I was reading John 1. (Read it for yourself here.) 
You know how there are some passages or scriptures that are just over quoted? Well, John 1:1 is that for me. But today it really came alive for me. 
verses 4-5 made me think about India...
India is a beautiful nation, consumed with poverty, hopelessness, and false gods. Everyday, millions of people in India wake up and worship over 330 million gods who do not love them and cannot hear or help them. However, I serve the One True God who is pictured in John chapter 1. He is the God who gave life to everything and His life brought light to everyone. India is a nation filled with deep darkness, but I believe that the light is going to begin to shine in that darkness and nothing will every be able to extinguish it. 

I am overwhelmed each time I think about how God became man. Fully man. He is the lamb of God. The one who paid the price to take away the sin of the world. He paid the price so that we can be his children. Salvation is free for us, but it cost Jesus everything. 

Here is the verse that I am holding on to today- Psalm 2:8 "Only ask, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, the whole earth as your possession." 
I'm not only asking for India, yes, I expect great things to happen there this summer, but I am asking even more for Denham Springs. I want to see the walls fall down at Denham High. I want to see the high school students realize how much they need a savior. I want them to encounter the cross in a way like never before. So God, I am asking for Denham Springs. :)

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of the song "You Said" I know Hillsong sings it :) love you sis!
